Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Money Scam

Sumitted by Mike Krieger of Kam LP

The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few.

- Henry Ford

U.S. investors should welcome, not fear, climbing commodity prices.  The increases are "largely a reflection of the fact that the pace of economic growth, particularly in the U.S., has picked up," said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at consultants IHS in Lexington, Massachusetts, and a former Federal Reserve official who has been covering the global economy for more than 35 years. "It's not something to be worried about." 

- Bloomberg article from yesterday

Why Fiat Money is Immoral

Today’s email is going to be a little different.  A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine from NYC who is not in the business but is on my weekly email distribution list asked me to explain fiat money and why I think it is the wrong way to go.  Below I am going to paste my response to her.  There is so much disinformation out there about money it is scary.  Sadly, the strategist at my former employer added to this several weeks ago.  He wrote:  “Gold, which is effectively just another fiat currency.”

Clearly he failed to look up the definition of fiat currency.

Fiat money is money that has value only because of government regulation or law.

Definition of Fiat:  An authoritative or often arbitrary official order or decree.  THIS DOES NOT EXIST TO GOLD AS MONEY TODAY AT ALL. 

Gold is not money under “fiat” in any country at the moment.  Rather the market is making gold as money today which is the OPPOSITE of fiat money.  

With that off my chest, here is the response to my friend…

Ok, so let’s do a brief thought exercise on why I believe commodity money is preferable to fiat money.  When you have fiat money, a government, or in the case of the United States today, a banking cartel (the Federal Reserve), is granted exclusive authority to create the nation’s money.  Laws are used to enforce the use of this money otherwise people probably wouldn’t use it.  Under a commodity money system, where let’s say the U.S. issues dollars but those dollars are backed or convertible to a commodity (in many cases gold but it can be other things) there is a limit to the amount the government or banking cartel can print or issue and this is in relation to the amount of the commodity that exists or is available to the government or central bank.  The current propaganda that is rife throughout economics textbooks and the like tell is the notion that commodity money is bad since it stifles human innovation in relation to the amount of gold or whatever commodity used.  They say this is bad and that there should be no “limit” on money creation based on something as arbitrary as a commodity and that this is bad for growth.  This is complete nonsense and is used to keep people in the current fiat system where money power is exercised most egregiously by the few against the many.  The reason they defend the current system is simple.  With the power to create unlimited currency at will (via the Federal Reserve) you possess total and absolute power over almost EVERYTHING in the economy and society at large.  The Fed not only creates the money but they distribute it where they want.  In QE1 and QE2  they decided to buy specific assets.  In the case of QE1 where they bought toxic assets, this was just another bailout of the banks and others that made poor investment decisions.  Did the money go to build new schools?  No.  Did the money go to build high speed trains as is done in China?  No.  Did it go to building out massive alternative energy infrastructure?  No.  It went to save the banks because at the end of the day the Fed exists as a backstop to the banks and it is to the banks that the Fed answers to at the end of the day.  It is a brilliant scam that 95% of Americans do not comprehend.  So in this case all of the money is going to the banks (which destroyed the global economy in the first place) and other players in the financial world.  Remember, the banks ARE the Fed and the Fed creates the money.  Gate keepers at the Federal Reserve and academia make understanding economics, the Fed and money seem so “complex” but the scam is really VERY simple.  

I am not saying that I necessarily back the classic gold standard but it is much more of a moral and genuine capitalistic system than what we have today.  One of the arguments against the gold standard is that the rich have all the gold anyway and they will still have the power.  Ok, well let’s suppose this is true.  Under a gold standard they would need to mobilize this gold to exercise their power and influence and pay people off to do their bidding.  This has a real cost to them.  Gold will be spent.  At some point they will choose not to spend it on this or that and ultimately they will lose their power/money by spending too much gold.  They can’t just create more out of thin air to exercise unlimited money power on the populace. 

This is in complete contrast to how things work today.  With the dollar they can create more and more everyday and buy people off without ANY cost in the short term (until the dollar itself collapses).  This is why the most dangerous thing that can happen would be a global fiat currency to replace the U.S. dollar.   They could start over in their never ending system of money power with a new currency that can be printed at will and used to buy up the world and all its resources at no cost to them.  The end result would be slavery for the masses of humanity.  The global monetary system as it stands is one of the most immoral social structures ever created by man.  Most of us in America do not understand this since we have been the beneficiaries of it up until now.  We are like the feudal lords in pre-revolutionary that couldn’t see the world beyond their favored social status until they lost their heads.  The system as it stands has led extreme exploitation and corruption, not true capitalism.  If we continue on this path the next stop is a feudalistic fascism. 
In a Fiat System Banks Must be Like Utilities

At the Sanford Bernstein conference several years ago Joseph Stiglitz spoke and said a good and healthy financial system is a small financial system.  I couldn’t agree more.  This is especially the case in a purely fiat money system.  Money is too important to allow greedy children in expensive suits on Wall Street and dangerous academics at the Fed to play around with.  I do not claim to know what the ideal money system is but I want to be very clear on this point.  If we have a fiat system like today the banks should be the most regulated industry on the planet and operate like utilities.  They are supposed to help the productive economy innovate and create wealth.  They are not supposed to be parasites that suck the lifeblood out of the real economy and compose 16% of the weight in the S&P500 (only technology is bigger at 17%).  Something is VERY, VERY wrong here. 

I placed the quote at the top of the email to demonstrate just how entirely disconnected the corrupt elite class is in the United States is today from the average citizen.  Many historians assert that Marie Antoinette never said “let them eat cake,” but surely she made comments similar to those at the top of this email from the Bloomberg article.  What is happening now is nothing new.  It has happened over and over again for millennium.  The elites of every era always think they will stay in control no matter what.  They will be wrong once again.

Watching the circus from Colorado,


Job Hunter Scams

These types of scams targeting job hunters and attempts to gain access to personal information such as bank account or social security numbers and sometimes even ask for a fee in order to be registered for the job. This is one of the most common type of scams today with more and more people loosing jobs and it is getting difficult to get new jobs.


Debt Relief and Settlement Services

These services often charge fees and leave the consumer in even more debt. It is estimated by the Better Business Bureaus that these type of services increased by approximately 30 percent in 2010.



Work from Home Schemes



















Monday, January 24, 2011

Internet reputation management Services

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Being Right or Making Money

As we get ready for John Boehner to take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, I find myself thinking back to the last time a Republican speaker took control of the House from a Democrat -- and reflecting on how far down the wrong road we have traveled since then.

It was January 1995, and Newt Gingrich, now considered a right-wing bomb thrower, was taking the gavel from Tom Foley. After taking the oath of office, he delivered a speech that praised FDR as "the greatest president of the 20th century" and presented concern for the least among us as a shared national objective. "The balanced budget is the right thing to do," he said. "But it does not in my mind have the moral urgency of coming to grips with what is happening to the poorest Americans."

For the incoming Republican speaker, reducing poverty and lifting the poor into the middle class was a moral imperative beyond the left vs. right battlefield -- not just the purview of lefties, socialists, and community organizers:

I say to those Republicans who believe in total privatization, you cannot believe in the Good Samaritan and explain that as long as business is making money we can walk by a fellow American who is hurt and not do something.... If you cannot afford to leave the public housing project, you are not free. If you do not know how to find a job and do not know how to create a job, you are not free. If you cannot find a place that will educate you, you are not free. If you are afraid to walk to the store because you could get killed, you are not free.

So now, with poverty higher than it was 16 years ago, with greater income inequality, and with the middle class struggling to hold on, what will Speaker Boehner make his number one priority? According to the Washington Post, it's "cutting spending," followed by repealing the healthcare law, and "helping get our economy moving" (no specifics on how he plans to do that).

Yet we saw on 60 Minutes that he's very aware of how fragile the American Dream has become, telling Lesley Stahl, "I can't go to a school anymore. I used to go to a lot of schools. And you see all these little kids running around. Can't talk about it." And he choked up when he did try to talk about "making sure these kids have a shot at the American Dream, like I did. It's important."

Interestingly, in his first speech as speaker, Gingrich also talked about being moved by the woes of school kids.

"I have seldom been more shaken," he said, "than I was after the election when I had breakfast with two members of the Black Caucus. One of them said to me, 'Can you imagine what it is like to visit a first-grade class and realize that every fourth or fifth young boy in that class may be dead or in jail within 15 years? And they are your constituents and you are helpless to change it?' For some reason, I do not know why, maybe because I visit a lot of schools, that got through. I mean, that personalized it. That made it real, not just statistics, but real people."

But the trajectory of our political discourse over the last decade and a half has meant that taking on poverty has gone from a moral imperative and shared national objective to an afterthought -- or no thought at all.

The question is, is there anything that can be done to help Boehner make the connection between the policies he supports and the effect those policies have on the kids who bring him to tears?

Newt Gingrich failed to follow through on the moral imperative he identified in his first speech as speaker, trading in his moral vision and replacing it 15 months later with an announcement that the Republican agenda could be reduced to six words: "Earn more, keep more, do more."

Will Boehner's take be "Earn more, keep more, cut more"? Or is there a chance he will surprise us? Maybe it's because it's close enough to Christmas that I still believe in miracles, but wouldn't it be great if the John Boehner who takes the gavel on Wednesday is the one who weeps at the thought of kids denied a shot at the American Dream?

It's an enormous relief to find someone at a large, powerful company who is kind, helpful, and able to solve your problems. Unfortunately, reader Flora learned that just because a person is kind and helpful, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't document your conversations with them in case things go horribly wrong.

I am writing with the hope that someone else might read my story and not make my mistake. I've had a lot of trouble paying my bills this year. I moved in with my parents in November to get things under control. One of the companies I owed money to was Citibank Student Loans. I finally contacted them in mid December to try to make things right so my loan would not go into default. The customer service rep could not have been friendlier. After I made a payment on the loan over the phone, she told me she had set me up on a payment plan, that as long as I continued to pay the same amount every month, my loan would not default. She wished me a Merry Christmas before I hung up the phone hugely relieved.

Last week, I called Citibank again to make another payment on my loan by the appointed date, as she had instructed. The very friendly customer service rep told me that my loan was in the process of being sent to collections, but that I could call Citibanks' default department to make a payment. I called the number prepared to pay 300% of the payment I owed to keep this from happening, 800-967-9977. No one answered. The call went to voicemail. And the voicemail box of the number was full. I just tried it again, and it's still full.

I called the main citibank number back, explaining that I wanted to make a payment. They just told me to keep calling the default office every hour or so until they emptied their voicemail box. After four hours, I finally left a voicemail which was returned the next afternoon while I was in a doctor's appointment. I called again to leave a voicemail that night, being sure to keep my phone on me at all times so I could answer them. They called back the next afternoon. The customer service rep I talked to explained that my loan had been sent to collections in the 3 weeks since I had last talked to citibank, she claimed they had no record of any payment plan, and explained that they had the right to send my loan off to collections whenever they chose to. When I protested, asking if they had any recording or computer record of the conversation I had with the representative, and awe-struck that they completely ignored our deal, the customer service rep immediately changed her tone to shouting at me over the phone, explaining very brutally that it was all completely my fault for not paying. I waited long enough to hear the number of the collection agency to call before I hung up the phone literally in tears. I'm now trying to reach the collection company so I can start to clean up my credit score, bit by bit. I realize that I should have been paying more sooner, but that shouldn't change the fact that they made an agreement with me, and then broke it immediately after, right? I don't even know where my last payment went, if it's in the citibank system or with the collection agency. All of my information has been removed from my online account. I was really trying to make this work.

I hope that anyone having difficulty making payments to citibank student loans records any and all conversations they have with customer service representatives. I was so naive, and trusted that such a large business would not completely lie to me. I hope that you let other people know not to make the same mistake.

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Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Tiger Woods dev unfazed by controversy.

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making Easy Money

With The Social Network sweeping the awards at last night’s Golden Globes, it’s time to brace for yet more mainstream attention — as if any were needed — for Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. As director David Fincher and writer Aaron Sorkin polish their trophies and prepare themselves for possible Oscar-winning speeches, it’s easy to imagine executives at the company’s Palo Alto offices shaking their fists in fury.

Facebook has certainly had its troubles with the film in the past, and for good reason. There are plenty of well-documented arguments justifying Zuckerberg anger about the movie. It’s not exactly flattering. It paints him as something between arrogant and autistic. It suggests he’d sell his friends out for a buck. And it misrepresents his love life quite drastically for dramatic effect.

But Zuckerberg, despite the funds at his disposal, has essentially done nothing to shut it down. Why? Because he understands that the publicity generated by the movie ultimately makes him — and therefore Facebook — look more interesting than reality.

After I watched the film with some friends, we talked about it. Some admired the way the film managed to deliver a fairly accurate on-screen representation of programming — because, let’s face it, making coding look sexy is about as hard a task as you can imagine. Other friends thought it immature and demeaning to technologists.

Personally, I found the film a little boring. But I did emerge with an image of Zuckerberg that was, if not positive then certainly more powerful than it had been. The pseudo-Zuckerberg portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg might not be somebody I’d want to hang out with, but he was probably going to take over the world.

On screen, he is smart, rapacious and intimidatingly clever. He might clash with his friends, but he is willing to do whatever it took to turn Facebook into a success story. He is driven, analytical and apparently destined for success. I would lay money on the fact that investors at Goldman Sachs saw the movie and thought admiringly of this cutthroat young man who was motivated by a chance of glory.

In real life, of course, there’s plenty to be said for Zuckerberg’s leadership: he’s focused and determined, and has played it smart almost every step of the way. He might get caught asking for forgiveness rather than permission, he might have more than a few lawsuits on his hands, and might be redrawing popular concepts of privacy — but he’s found success almost every time he’s turned the corner. And whatever you think of Facebook’s $50 billion valuation, it certainly makes his regular decisions to keep hold of the company look like genius.

However, as an individual, he remains largely in the shadows. Even as Facebook has moved out of college dorms and into mainstream life, he kept fairly quiet. The odd awkward interview at SXSW or sweaty appearance at All Things Digital aside, he’s restricted his public persona.

But The Social Network has changed all that, and Zuckerberg has used the opportunity, whether it’s making a headline-grabbing appearance on Oprah, a confident keynote at the Web 2.0 Summit or racking up millions more users and big investors.

In the end, it’s this approach that has surprised me most about Zuckerberg, and demonstrated that he is even more clever than he is usually given credit for.

It’s unusual for somebody who clearly loves to be in control to hand his public image over to Hollywood, but Zuckerberg appears to have recognized that in the space of two hours, The Social Network does more to bring him alive than any public appearance could ever manage. Myth, in cases like this, is often more important than fact — and by giving the myth room to breathe, Zuckerberg proves he’s not just a business mind, but also a master of public relations. After all, he can let the Hollywood version of himself hog the spotlight while he laughs all the way to the bank.

Related content from GigaOM Pro (subscription req’d):

  • How Much is Facebook’s Market Power Worth?

  • 4 NewNet Companies That Made Headlines in 2010

  • What Facebook Messages Is Really After

The Middle East’s largest online auction and buying site has decided auctions are so last decade.

From the beginning of 2011 sellers won’t get the option to sell their products in an auction. It’s fixed price, or none at all.

The decision comes as a shock to many as, which opened its doors to the public in 2005 and has since launched in 5 countries in the region, has always been portrayed as the eBay of the Middle East. At least in terms of online auctions, not anymore.

“We (and most of our sellers) want to offer the best online shopping experience to users in the region, and this is one step along the way to support this goal.” said CEO and Founder of Ronaldo Mouchawar in an email about the recent shift.

This change, as most in life, will have its supporters and detractors. The good thing is, it looks like a only slim minority might end up annoyed.

To illustrate the above, lets say you’re a painter and you work from home during your spare time. I’m one of those who believe art has no price, but since it’s good to have paint to create priceless masterpieces, putting the occasional price tag on your work isn’t entirely evil. The only problem with that is how do you put a price tag on art in the first place? Van Gough considered giving money for art is as important as being an artist yourself. That’s where auctions come in strong.

By putting up a painting to sell through an auction, the seller allows the highest bidder to give her as much it takes to win the auction, or otherwise ask to ‘Buy Now’ according to a price the seller sets. Will this shift be good for those who realistically don’t know how much their work is worth? I would say no.

On the flip-side regional retail stores tend to invest large amounts of money to put their products online on their own, and usually fail miserably. Many factors come into play, but the most obvious are a large user base and an easy to use website to buy from.

This encouraged to build a platform for merchants and retail stores to offer their products on Souq through fixed prices (almost all the time), and through Souq Stores which are customizable online outlets for retailers such as UAE’s 

Soap <b>News</b>: &#39;AMC&#39;s&#39; Debbi Morgan Has Lyme Disease and More

A few weeks ago we reported that 'All My Children's' award-winning actress Debbi Morgan would be taking some time off from the soap. This week.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: January 18, 2011 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Scientists warn of a future "superstorm" in CA; Obama to discuss clean energy with Chinese premier's visit?; "Managed retreat" for California coastal town; ABC Reports On Fossil-Fueled Climate ...

Major earthquake strikes southwestern Pakistan – This Just In <b>...</b>

[Updated at 4:47 p.m. ET] An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.2 struck Wednesday morning in a remote area of southwestern Pakistan, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The earthquake occurred at 1:23 a.m. (3:23 p.m. ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Making Money Online Easy

According to the affidavit, the investigation included the co-operation of authorities in Canada, France and Germany.

As for code, the LOIC DDoS software believed to be used by Operation Anonymous remain available on the social code site Github and on SourceForge. Thousands of people have downloaded it from those sites. The software allegedly makes it easy for a user to donate their computer's bandwidth to repeatedly messaging a target server until it is rendered inaccessible by other users.

The ephemeral group Anonymous, or Operation Payback, co-ordinated a series of such attacks earlier this month against Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and others. These global leaders in money transfer were criticized for preventing their customers from donating money to the controversial website Wikileaks, despite the site having been convicted of no crimes.

Clearly a sufficient number of people in the FBI believe the denial of service attacks may constitute felony-level damage to computer systems, but others have argued that the campaign falls broadly within the tradition of non-violent civil disobedience and political protest.

FBI Agent Allyn Lynd, whom The Smoking Gun reports signed the affidavit, has been in the technology news media before. He lead a 2009 raid on at least two Texas web hosts over an alleged federal crime concerning unpaid bills to AT&T and Verizon. Those raids disrupted a number of co-located but unrelated businesses, including some that allege the disruption cost them millions of dollars.

In this latest affidavit, Lynd argued again that he may need to disrupt some other servers temporarily in order to achieve his goal of determining which servers were relevant to his investigation. Due to the document's incomplete publication, whether any sense of irony was appreciated is unclear.

No information has been made available to date regarding any FBI or other law enforcement investigation of the denial of service and other technical attacks made against the Wikileaks website.

I've been working in the IT/Internet field since the pre-Google era, so it's been a number of years now. It's been a rough ride of ups and downs, but a great one. Being constantly on the internet, I've always wanted to do something extra, apart from my full time job.

I've tried a million different things and had truckloads of ideas on how to make money online. Forums this, blog that, advert here and advert there, but they all failed. I've read gazillions of documentations, watched hours and hours of presentations about how to make money online — how easy it is to work from home and make over $10,000 a month. Really? Well you want my opinion? Screw all that and do it your own way because YOU LIKE WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Look at the history of most companies, giant corporations of today, especially the online ones such as Google, Twitter, Facebook and many others. They all started as a hobby, as a project, and never specifically to make money out of the idea. All the founders of the above mentioned companies, believed so much in their idea, that they dedicated their life to building it. It is not a matter of luck that they are who they are today, but it is sheer determination and good ideas. Money is a secondary thing; it's the result of what you've done. I never used to believe this but now I do believe it, been there, done that.

As I specified above, I've tried a million types of online ideas and website, but they all failed because I specifically wanted to make extra money. Thought there was only one thing that I really liked and loved, and never gave it a shot, music! It was always my dream to have the time to discover new bands, to have all their original CDs and albums, and if possible get in touch with them.

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The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Breaking <b>news</b>: EPA vetoes Spruce Mine permit « Coal Tattoo

This news is devastating to the Southern Coal Fields and our entire state. The Spruce Number One permit was issued years ago after undergoing a comprehensive permitting process. It is hard to understand how the EPA at this late hour ...

Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Headless body and pipe bomb near school rattle Evanston - Chicago <b>...</b>

A bomb specialist enters Fitzsimons Park near Nichols Middle School in Evanston on Tuesday. (José M. Osorio/ Chicago Tribune) In the dead of night, an explosion ripped through Evanston's Fitzsimmons Park, shaking houses and waking ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Money on Line

Once thought of as trade bait, Mikhail Grabovski and Nikolai Kulemin (along with Clarke MacArthur) have been the Maple Leafs best line this season, and with nearly 100 points on the season, maybe amongst the best in the NHL

Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

Prior to the Toronto Maple Leafs' tilt against the Atlanta Thrashers Friday night I was a guest of Louis Pisano on “Get The Puck Out” which airs on, where, amongst other things, Lou and I debated the validity of Toronto’s second line of Mikhail Grabovski, Clarke MacArthur and Nikolai Kulemin being the NHL’s best second unit.

Low and behold, Grabovski, Kulemin and MacArthur went out and scored a combined six goals and 10 points against the Thrashers, helping the Maple Leafs pound a very good Atlanta squad by a final score of 9-3.

MacArthur and Grabovski are first and second in scoring for the Maple Leafs this season, with 33 and 32 points, respectively. Kulemin is close behind with 29 points, which gives the Maple Leafs second unit a combined 94 points on the season.

There may very well be a second line or two that has more offensive output than the Maple Leafs trio, but none of those lines were as unexpected as the Maple Leafs trio of Grabovski, MacArthur and Kulemin, especially by Leaf fans.

Rewind back to last summer. Maple Leafs general manager Brian Burke was preparing to re-sign Nikolai Kulemin when all hell broke lose—Kulemin’s agent was looking for first line money. Burke stood by his comments that, while a decent player, Kulemin had benefited from first line and power play minutes and was undeserving of “first line” money, and therefore, wouldn’t pay.

Weekly Pulse: GOP Plays Chicken with the Debt Ceiling

By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) is calling for a "big showdown" over the upcoming vote to raise the nation's debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion from $13.9 trillion. The debt ceiling is simply the maximum amount the government can borrow.

Congress routinely raises the debt ceiling every year. It's common sense: Since the government has already pledged to increase spending, Congress must authorize additional borrowing. (Remember that the government is now forced to borrow billions of extra dollars to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy, which Republicans insisted on.) If the ceiling isn't raised, the United States will be forced to default on its debts, with catastrophic consequences.

Why would default be catastrophic? The principle is the same for countries and consumers alike: If you have a good track record of paying your bills, lenders will lend you money at lower interest rates. If you don't pay your bills on time, or default on your obligations altogether, lenders will demand higher interest rates.

Congressional Republicans say they oppose raising the debt ceiling because they favor fiscal responsibility. This kind of rhetoric is the height of recklessness. The interest on our debts is a big part of government spending. Even idle talk about defaults could spook some creditors into raising interest rates on U.S. debt and cost taxpayers dearly.

Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly quotes Austan Goolsbee, chair of the White House's Council of Economic Advisers, who says that congressional GOP members are flirting with the "the first default in history caused purely by insanity."

Making work pay (for real)

An astonishing 80% of full-time minimum wage workers can't afford the necessities of life, according to new research by labor economist Jeannette Wicks-Lim of the Political Economy Research Institute, featured on the Real News Network.

Wicks-Lim argues for a two-part solution to the crisis of working poverty in America: i) raising the federal minimum wage to $12.30/hr from $7.50/hr; ii) Increasing the earned income tax credit to 40% of income. She estimates that these two policy changes would raise the income of a minimum wage worker from $15,000 to about $36,000 at a manageable cost to employers and taxpayers.

Her proposal is a revamp of President Bill Clinton's attempt to "reform" welfare by cutting social service benefits and shifting government spending to tax credits. Currently, the Earned Income Tax Credit is a subsidy for the working poor that is designed to "make work pay"--i.e., if workers aren't making enough in wages to secure a decent standard of living, the government provides an income subsidy to reward them for working.

However, if a decent standard of living remains out of reach for 80% of full-time minimum wage workers, Wicks-Lim argues that the minimum wage is too low and the subsidies are too modest to achieve the stated goal of making work pay.

Colorado minimum wage inches up

Speaking of minimum wage issues, Scot Kersgaard of the Colorado Independent reports that the minimum wage in the state ticked up from $7.25 an hour to $7.36 on January 1. The modest increase represents the annual adjustment for inflation. Every bit counts, but Colorado families are falling further behind. According to a new report by the Denver-based Bell Policy Center, 8.3% of working families in Colorado live below the federal poverty line, which is $22,050 for a family of four. Fully one-fourth of Colorado families do not earn enough to meet their basic needs, which requires an income approximately twice the FPL, according to the report.

Colorado is one of only 10 states that automatically adjust their minimum wages for inflation.

Wage theft epidemic

Unscrupulous employers are stealing untold millions of dollars from hardworking Americans, Dick Meister reports in AlterNet:

The cheating bosses don't take the money directly from their employees. No, nothing as obvious as that. The employers practice their thievery by underpaying workers, sometimes by paying them less than the legal minimum wage. Or they fail to pay employees extra for overtime work, or even force them to work for nothing before or after their regular work shifts or at other times. Some employers make illegal deductions from employee wages. And some withhold the final paycheck due employees who quit.

In New York City alone, an estimated $18 million worth of wages is stolen every week. Workers in the restaurant, construction, and retail sectors are at increased risk of wage theft. Wage thieves disproportionately target undocumented workers because they assume that these employees will be less likely to report the crime.

Debt collection from beyond the grave

The dead don't tell tales, but they have been known to sign debt collection papers, Andy Kroll reports in Mother Jones. Martha Kunkle died in 1995, but her printed name and signature appear on paperwork filed by the debt collection agency Portfolio Recovery Associates as late as 2006 and 2007. The ruse was discovered and PRA, facing a fraud lawsuit, agreed in 2008 that the "Kunkle's" documents couldn't be used in court. That didn't stop the agency from trying to use them again in 2009.

The attorney general of Missouri has announced that he will investigate whether any of Kunkle's handiwork was used to support debt collection in his state. The attorney general of Minnesota is already investigating whether debt collectors have used fraudulent paperwork in court.

This post features links to the best independent, progressive reporting about the economy by members of The Media Consortium. It is free to reprint. Visit the Audit for a complete list of articles on economic issues, or follow us on Twitter. And for the best progressive reporting on critical economy, environment, health care and immigration issues, check out The Mulch, The Pulse and The Diaspora. This is a project of The Media Consortium, a network of leading independent media outlets.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks 1/10/11 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee .. Horse Tracks.

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Making Money Now

Making maple syrup in a hotter world

It's hard to take big-picture global temperature increases and bring them down to a personal level—partly because of that confusion between weather and climate, and partly because scientists simply have a better understanding what is very likely to happen in an averaged-out global system, than they have of how changes in that global system are likely to affect your backyard.

I like the way Climate Wisconsin is trying to bridge that gap. First, they use interactive visuals to show the local symptoms of climate change, like rising average temperatures and fewer days of ice cover of Wisconsin lakes. Then, they connect those symptoms to Wisconsin life. If these trends continue, what impact will they have on things like fishing, forestry, farming and, yes, the making of maple syrup.

It's a hard line to walk. The family featured in this video has recently experienced some of the worst years for making maple syrup in four generations. But, because weather isn't climate, next year could be better for them, even as the climate, overall, continues to warm. At the same time, though, climate change is likely to have long-term impacts on where and how well sugar maples can grow—and when, and for how long, their sap runs in spring.

I think this video and the related essay do a better-than-average job of making that distinction. This family won't be out of business next year. But, over time, climate change is very likely to make this work harder for them. The harder it gets, Wisconsin traditions associated with maple syrup making will become less common—and the 5-million-dollar syrup industry will bring less money to the state.

Also, I just finished re-reading Little House in the Big Woods, and it's fun to see how the process of maple syrup production has, and hasn't, changed since Grandpa Ingalls threw a sugaring-off party at his Wisconsin cabin in the late 1860s. Check out the taps they hammer into the maples. They look just like the Little House illustrations, but instead of draining into wooden buckets, the sap now flows into plastic bags.

Thanks to agroman for Submitterating!

Hell's Kitchen continues to be a highly desirable neighborhood for many New Yorkers, but living in the HeKi (our coinage&msash;you're welcome Corcoran) isn't without sacrifice. Local residents who don't have washer/dryers in their buildings are finding it increasingly annoying to get their laundry done! One of the neighborhood's last laundromats, on 53rd Street and Ninth Avenue, recently closed, leaving behind, the Post reports, "a mile-long, laundry-less desert between Eighth and Tenth Avenues." This heavy news comes on the heels of Second Wave Laundry, the largest Laundromat in the neighborhood on 55th Street and Ninth Avenue, closing because the landlord threatened to raise the rent from $14,000 to $20,000 a month and demanded an $80,000 security deposit.

Now Hell's Kitchen locals are throwing "champagne and laundry parties" in apartments with washing machines. Others simply do their laundry in the sink. For this very reason, Councilwoman Gale Brewer has introduced a resolution to give tax breaks to owner-operated city businesses. "This is the most basic challenge to the crisis of the lack of mom-and-pop stores in the city," says Brewer. "It's beyond frustrating." And Christine Gorman, president of the West 55th Block Association, tells the tabloid, "The Laundromats are fleeing our area. The services in our neighborhood are disappearing. There's rumors that the Laundromat is going to become a Citibank." At least that's welcome news for anybody in Hell's Kitchen who needs some money laundered.

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No good <b>news</b> for the long-term unemployed | Analysis &amp; Opinion |

The December jobs report turns recent history on its head.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Small Biz Funding Fundamentals

Will raising capital your small business be easier in 2011 than it was in 2010? Well, some sources say that funding may be loosening up but be assured that.

Atlanta Hawks Off Day <b>News</b> and Notes - Peachtree Hoops

Opinions and Reactions to the Atlanta Hawks 110-87 victory over the Utah Jazz.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

budgeting personal finances

Five Best Mobile Personal Finance Tools

It's easy to convince yourself to spend and save responsibly when the numbers are right in front of you, but it's a different story when you're on-the-go. These five great mobile personal finance tools keep your money goals nearby at all times.

Photo a composite of images by neernijus and mellowr.

Smartphones have brought nearly every aspect of desktop computers to your pocket; it only makes sense they'd bring money management, too. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite mobile personal finance tool. Now we're back to highlight the five most popular options.

Mint (Android/iOS, Free)

Popular web-based personal finance tool Mint has an equally as popular mobile application for Android and iOS devices. It sports the same simple design as Mint's main site and makes it easy to track your spending, receive alerts about bills and budget issues, and monitor your savings goals. It's polished, the graphs are easy to read, and the total-overview that Mint provides helps keep you on top of your personal finances in ways other tools don't.

Pageonce (Cross-Platform, Free)

Pageonce isn't only about personal finance, but it does personal finance well, and it's available for nearly every mobile platform around. On top of a web-based interface, they have highly polished apps for Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile (including the newly released Windows Phone 7). It's easy to get real-time updates via email or push notifications on your phone, set alerts to warn you about impending bills or overspending, and view all of your financial stats in eye-catching charts and graphs.

EasyMoney (Android, $9.95)

EasyMoney is an Android-only personal finance manager that includes a home screen widget for speedy transaction inputs, bill notifications, graphs to help you analyze and chart your past and future spending, and a host of small but very useful features like the ability to split transactions between multiple categories. Easy Money also includes a tool for photographing receipts and importing data as well as a checkbook register and easy import/export to .CVS files. EasyMoney offers a 30 day-trial if you're on the fence about spending $10 on the app (consider also, many of the features in EasyMoney are paid upgrades on similar applications).

Pocket Money (iOS, $4.99)

Pocket Money puts a sweeping view of all your accounts and transactions right on your iPhone or iPad. You can manually enter transactions, create repeating transactions based on cycles or dates, create custom filters to view your money the way that is most useful to you, and more. On top of the plethora of features in the stock app you can expand the feature set with in-app purchases like the $0.99 Photo Receipts plugin that allows you to photograph your receipts and import the transaction data off them. Pocket Money has a companion desktop application available for Windows, Mac and Linux—a nice break from the common pattern of iOS apps having Mac-only desktop companions.

ProOnGo (Cross-Platform, Starting at $0.99/Month)

ProOnGo is the most distinctly business-oriented tool in this week's Hive Five. You could use it as a personal finance manager if you desired but the feature set is weighted heavily towards business users who need to track things like automotive mileage, business-related expenses, and generate reports for tax purposes and submission to their company. The basic package runs $0.99/month and is limited to manual entires and expense report generation, the premium package runs $4.99/month and includes web-based access, backups, custom spreadsheets, and synchronization to your American Express business card.

Now that you've had a chance to look over the five most popular mobile finance tools, it's time to vote for your favorite:

Have an idea for the next Hive Five? Shoot us an email at with "Hive Five" in the subject line and we'll do our best to give you idea the attention it deserves.

Send an email to Jason Fitzpatrick, the author of this post, at

Best Mobile Personal Finance Tool: Mint

Earlier last week we asked you to share your favorite mobile personal finance tool. We rounded up the nominations and put the top five before you for a vote. Now we're back with your favorite.

Leading the pack by a brutal landslide; Mint's mobile finance application took home 76% of the vote. Following behind Mint, Pageonce pulled in 14%. Rounding out the bottom of the Hive were Pocket Money (3%), EasyMoney (2%), and ProOnGo (1%).

Click on the chart below to see the results in graph form.

Have an idea for the next Hive Five? Shoot us an email at with "Hive Five" in the subject line and we'll do our best to get your idea the attention it deserves.

Send an email to Jason Fitzpatrick, the author of this post, at

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She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

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But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

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Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb mi surface encounters

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters michigan
surface encounters

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters macomb

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters rock tops

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters noblesville

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters michigan

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters noblesville

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters rock tops

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters noblesville

<b>News</b> - Natalie Portman Shows Off Pregnancy Curves at People&#39;s <b>...</b>

She keeps her hand on her bump in her awards-season debut.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Everything is dead

But programmers don't think this way, and I guess most programmers aren't news junkies. Because it was impossible to get through to them. No matter, the market eventually decided. A lot of wasted time, which sucks, but hardly the end of ...

ABC <b>News</b>: Michele Bachmann Considering Presidential Bid : Roll Call

Tea party darling isn t ruling out 2012 challenge to President Barack Obama.

surface encounters macomb